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Monday 31 October 2016

Interview #2

This afternoon I had my second interview, this time with a professional dancer. It has given me such a different perspective on some of my questions and the topic areas that I am exploring. I was fascinated to hear about the experiences of this dancer and the company they are a part of. It is a company which is not in the UK and granted the culture is completely different to what we experience over here. Therefore it has given me a really broad perspective on how dancers are supported else where in the world and how they go about accessing legal support in the event that they find themselves in a dispute with an employer. I was actually shocked to hear about how regularly the terms of a dancers contract can be infringed - in my opinion it happens far to often and it frustrates me to think that trained professionals who dedicate their lives to their art form can be treated with so much disrespect. Chatting to this individual put it into perspective how much dancers may be calling out for help and advice regarding their human rights, civil rights and their right to take legal action should they feel that they have been taken advantage of in their workplace.

Conversations, like the one I experienced today, really motivate me to push forwards with my topic area. What I am exploring is not just something I am researching for the purposes of my degree but it is something that I am genuinely passionate about and that I want to advocate for in the future. Being in the professional environment of a dancer is so challenging and more than ever I have come away from today's interview having had an insight into a dancer's reluctance to stand up for what is not right in their workplace. It is terrible to think that a climate of hesitance exists when it comes to dancer's wanting to speak out for themselves and gain the rights to fair working hours, salary, pension plans, holiday pay, health insurance and any other number of problems which everyday working people may take for granted.

My next job is to transcribe today's interview and pull out key points and quotes that I want to take forwards for discussion in my critical review. Slowly but surely ideas are emerging...

Image result for emerging ideas

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